
Showing posts from December 3, 2014

Poliandra: Una mujer con su propio harén de hombres; un modelo que existe y funciona bien

Lo que se asemeja al paraíso de toda feminista: una mujer que tiene varios maridos que se preocupan de su seguridad y la acompañan en la crianza de los hijos, es una realidad en el Tíbet. Si el perjuicio o la vieja creencia dice que una mujer contrae matrimonio (entre otras razones) para que la mantengan, imagínese lo que significaría si se casa con tres hombres –al menos-, es decir tendría el futuro muy  asegurado…y ni hablar de los regalos y mimos que podría recibir. Y aunque no lo crean, esto ocurre en la localidad de Mustang, ubicada cerca de los Himalaya, próxima a la frontera entre Nepal y China y conocida como “el Tíbet fuera de la frontera tibetana”. Este lugar fue cerrado desde 1992 a los extranjeros, por lo que no hay carreteras, autos, teléfono, televisión, ni medicina occidental. Y su gran particularidad es que sin ser un matriarcado, se practica la poliandra: una mujer que tiene muchos maridos. Curiosamente, estos señores son generalmente hermanos entre s...

What Can Your Last Name Tell You

At least for purposes of research, just about every genealogist rues the ancestor whose last name is common, and therefore hard to trace, and rejoices in their ancestors with more unusual names. While an unusual surname undeniably can make genealogical research easier, it doesn’t corner the market on interesting and informative origins. In Western Europe, surnames first came about in Medieval times as civilizations grew larger and it became necessary to distinguish between people. Sometimes, names were based on occupation: a blacksmith may have been “John le Smith” (John the Smith) which became, over the generations, “Smith,” and a person named Appleby lived by or tended the apple orchard. Celebrity Robin Leach’s ancestor was probably a physician (because in medieval times, physicians used leeches to bleed people). Actor Christopher Reeve’s ancestor, the one to first take the surname, was most likely a sheriff, and Sarah Jessica Parker’s early medieval ancestor probably tended ...

The Unrecognized Genius Of Nikola Tesla: How Far Ahead Was He?

A name that is placed  next  to Einstein, Maxwell,  Faraday , Leibnitz, Ohm, Ampere and all the other legendary figures  of science .  But does he deserve to be there, or does he deserve to be on top of them all? It was July 10, 1856 that he first saw  the light  of day at Smiljan (located in contemporary Serbia – modern day Croatia – which, at the time was part of the Austrian Empire) and through his life he has  patented   over 300 inventions. Typically he is referred to as  an inventor and an electrical/mechanical engineer  who studied at Graz University and dropped out. It is curious that  the person responsible for the basis of our modern science did not even finish  his studies. What is he responsible for? Let’s begin with  alternate current (AC), high voltage transfers and high frequency power , without which we would still be using direct current and voltages up to 30 Volts. Then we go to  induc...

Have You Ever Woken Up In The Middle of Night Paralyzed? You’re Not Alone

How many of you have at one time or another woken up unable to speak or move? If you have, you are not alone. The classic  definition  for this  phenomenon  is called sleep paralysis. It may last a few seconds, several moments, or occasionally longer and usually occurs right before you are about to fall asleep or wake up. Many people report feeling a “presence” that is often described as malevolent, threatening or, evil, and usually experience a tremendous amount of terror. The presence is usually seen, felt and even heard. People also report unique experiences like the sensation of floating or being outside the body. They believe the phenomenon to be an extremely spiritual one. In the modern medical world, these experiences are defined as hypnagogic and hypnopompic  hallucinations   (0) , which is often the explanation when conventional modern views of spiritual experience is combined with medical ideas that label direct spiritual experi...