
Showing posts from June 12, 2014

Jokes of the week

70 Years Young When I interviewed for a job six months after my 70th birthday, 
I was asked my age. With nothing to hide, I replied, “I’m halfway to my 71st birthday.” The interviewer looked skeptical. “No offense,” he said, “but you look older than 35.” How Not to Get Hired Going in for a job interview? Don’t mess it up with questions like these from real candidates: “Can my husband finish the test for me?” “Would you consider going on a date with me?” “Can I place my desk near the cafeteria?” “Do I have to be at work every day?” What’s the 311? In New York City, if you have a complaint or a question, dial the city’s 
311 hotline and you might get it solved. We doubt these callers did. “Who won American Idol?” “Can you check to see if my boyfriend is married?” “Can I claim my dog on my income tax?” Job Candi-dolts Doing your best not to join 
the workforce? Just act like these job seekers did while meeting hiring managers: • Candidate said he had ...

15 Fascinating Facts From Famous Death Records

From the king who ate himself to death to the comedian whose audience didn’t know his death wasn’t a joke, many high-profile people have left this world in unusual ways. Even many perfectly ordinary endings are fascinating because of coincidence, timing, or plain old bad luck. Here are some interesting facts about the deaths of famous people, or just famous deaths, that made news or made history.     1. “Death by digestion” claimed a royal life. In 1771, King of Sweden Adolf Frederick died of digestive problems after eating a meal of lobster, caviar, sauerkraut, smoked herring, champagne, and 14 servings of dessert. 2. Jane Austen died of Addison’s Disease three decades before it was discovered. Austen remains one of the most famous authors of the last 200 years. When she died in 1817, no one knew what strange disease had caused her to suffer for years. Now, many believe she succumbed to Addison’s disease, which, among other ills, causes darkening of the skin and ext...