
Showing posts from December 9, 2014

Mitología y lenguaje cotidiano

Palabras y frases que tienen su origen en un personaje o episodio mitológico  TELURICO   Palabra que hace referencia a la tierra. Un movimiento telúrico no es otra cosa que un temblor, sismo o terremoto, es decir un movimiento de la tierra. Esta palabra deriva de TELUS, la diosa romana que personificaba la Tierra y que corresponde a la Gea o Gaia griega. ¡QUE NO CUNDA EL PÁNICO!   Expresión muy usada cuando se quiere pedir tranquilidad o serenidad ante una situación de sobresalto o peligro. Pues bien… el pánico es nada más ni menos que el terror que provocaba en las ninfas de los bosques la aparición del dios Pan , la divinidad de los pastores y rebaños en la antigua Grecia.    Pan, era un pequeño monstruo cuya mitad superior de su cuerpo era de hombre y la mitad inferior de macho cabrío. Su cara era arrugada, con barba rala y un par de cuernitos adornaban su cabeza. Se caracterizaba por su frenética lascivia y por ello perseguía constantemente a las ...

Why the Amish Rarely Get Sick: Things You Can Learn From Them

When we think of  Amish   people we  think of a  simple life , free of modern advancements. Most of us view them as foolish  for not using the advantages of convenient technology and even look down on them for not conforming to the norms  of mainstream society.  But if we look at the statistics, the Amish are much healthier than the rest of America. They virtually have no cancer, no autism, and rarely get sick.  What are  they doing different from the rest of America?  Let’s look at some of the things they are doing different  (here) . Why the Amish Rarely Get Sick The Amish have chosen the traditional wisdom of our ancestors over our “modern” way of living. They live by the practices of past generations.  1. The Amish Don’t Get Vaccinated. Did you know that Amish people rarely have any learning disabilities or autism. There have been only 3 cases of autism among the amish in w...

Water Therapy: The Benefits of Drinking Water Right After You Wake Up

Massreport  | Many call it Japanese Water Therapy. Not only is it insanely simple, but  scientific studies  have provided information strongly suggesting that it can indeed work. 17 years ago, Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj was serving a jail sentence as a political prisoner in Iran. Being a doctor, the thing he knew best was how to treat, ease, and cure illnesses. However, Dr. Batmanghelidj did not have access to professional workstations, tools, and  medicines , except for one. Water. During his sentence, it was reported that Dr. Batmanghelidj had successfully treated 3,000 inmates suffering from peptic ulcers. Since then, the doc has gotten out of jail and has dedicated his career to studying the harmful  effects of dehydration . The  discoveries  that followed helped thousands of people restore their health. So what kind of health benefits can water provide? Water has been proven to help  prevent arthritis ,  back pain , angina, mig...